Schneider SG-38 glider - (scan - 1997)

Evolved from earlier German primary types such as Zogling and Grunau 9. Designed by order of German government to provide standard training machine for Youth Flying Corps. Was sturdy, safe, and well-designed glider, somewhat heavier and with a slightly steeper glide angle than predecessors. Most notable features were hydraulic shock absorbers, parallel rudder movement, provisions for trim weights fore and aft, and screw jack atop A- frame which facilitated assembly and disassembly. Large horizontal stabilizer and small elevator surface, with limited up-travel, made accidental stalls almost impossible. Landings could be made, usually without damage, with stick all the way back during final glide. Bungee launches used most of the time in Germany. After student had learned to balance glider with ailerons while facing into wind, level ground "Rutsches"--short duration sling-shots with insufficient speed to become airborne--were made. Higher launch velocities followed to permit short flight; then student would advance to hillside launches and, finally, to winch tows and longer flights.

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